Monday, November 21, 2011

Physicist Martin Archer offers new proof of subatomic particles traveling faster than light. The known laws of physics are in a tizzy (will my microwave still work, i wonder), but how do you explain Monadenium ritchiei?


  1. I don't! No chance I even try to explain it, but I love your photos:)

  2. oh so wonderful...i have no words...

    nobody can explain grace.

  3. in a tizzy might be good
    or a waste of time

    your photos on the other hand are gorgeous.

  4. I don't have to explain it - just enjoy it.

    BTW Unexpected results are what brings science forwards :-)

    PS I have not got any unexpected wealth (or other things), so maybe there is still hope for me?

  5. Mesmerizing and Magical cactii,simply brilliant !

  6. fantastic and magical ! love these images !
    bisous prospero

  7. Strange form. The stems are bigger version of oxalis regnellii tuberous roots that I have in my garden. But they certainly can hold the weight of those flowers hehe... ;-)

    Btw, I checked out your yellow gingers in the Internent. I am surprised to see that the flowers are similar! Strange also...

  8. I will have to look this discovery up. I am so interested in Physics. We perceive objects (and thoughts), like these lovely plants, as fixed, knowable, solid, still, separate entities, yet it is all an illusion. Love the colors and compositions as always.

    PS: I agree with your comment about hardships making one stronger. It also makes one much less judgemental and more compassionate.

  9. Ah, exquisite--indeed how do they explain this?


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