Friday, January 27, 2012

How beautiful are ancient guides, so keenly aware, for instance, of the barely perceptible susurration of a cortege of ants, so well versed in the viridescent languages (such as the whisper of grasses), so surprisingly replete of cosmopolitan abilities.


  1. beautiful
    you have inspired me to put on my skis and go and be with the ancients, listening to the whispers...

  2. Angelina looks sporty on this court :-)

  3. hey funny little dog ! love it you know that !
    wish you a nice week

  4. Gorgeous words and image. (I learned 2 new words). Love your vocabulary and style! I too am inspired but to lay in the dry grasses of the chaparral, to bathe myself in those murmurs borne on the air, carried in the cells and molecules. It is a state of grace...

  5. You obviously know your theory ft the visual arts - but what impresses me most is your choice of words to match!


Your words are only true if I deem them to be so.