Tuesday, January 12, 2010

La plage est une peau. Le ciel est l'âme.


  1. On the beach!!
    Waves roaring
    and waves wildness wipe on the beach.
    The moon is reflected on the water :-)
    Puurfect shots :-)

    (Hugs for Angelina from Kareltje =^.^=)

  2. Love those colours on the first photo, very nice. x

  3. Love those photos. Yep my computer is going through something . It is packed., and nearly out of everything.

  4. Beautiful reflections of the sky on the beach. To me the sky is a visual reminder that we are all connected to this friendly universe.

  5. Wow, the last photo is beautiful!!! I mean all are beautiful, but the last one is really special with this glow! Here is really cold and white -lucky you to see colours around:)

  6. Beautiful photos! The reflection in the last one is magnificent!

  7. I needed a little help with my high school French to translate :)
    What beautiful beaches, it makes me feel warm looking at them. I just love the colors of the last one.

  8. meeting of two entity, water and sand... serene! ~bangchik

  9. Catherine,

    The beach is my skin. The sky is my soul.

    It's not an exact translation (for I am partially translating a previous version - but this seems to work best in English).

  10. la mer m'envahit - les dernières traces de ce que j'étais s'effacent - tu es là et me regardes en train de devenir la nuit -

  11. All shots are beautiful but WOW on the last!

  12. le ciel serait il l'âme de la mer...
    la mer qui caresse de sa vague la peau sableuse des rivages....
    et qui efface les traces de nos pas....
    je t'embrasse Prospero...

  13. Beautiful photos, Prospero.

    The bottom one ... I nearly jumped out of my skin when I looked at it, because the light is reflecting off the beach -- as an EYE. Do you see it?

    The soul of the beach indeed ...

  14. I like "SDIM5136001.jpg", very moody !

  15. Nice photos of the seashore Prospero! I like the evening shots as well :-D

  16. The beach is my skin, the sky is my soul...

    Ah, so true.

    That last photo is extraordinary. Did you see the eye of sand, water and light there?

    The skyline reminds me of my beloved Pacific City where the dory boats slide silkily from the ocean onto the smooth beaches, where the surfers dot the breast of the sea as she breathes...

    Gorgeous photos! I'm headed to the beach myslf soon--I wonder what beauties I shall find there...

  17. el cambio de las texturas con la luz increible,saludos

  18. Love the reflections on the first and the last.
    Amazing as always.


  19. i really like the first and the third photo. the last photo is amazing.

  20. Ok you know, i like very much these images...
    the skin and the soul in the eyes

  21. Very wonderful set of shots. The textures and color are great.


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