Thursday, April 9, 2009

Another walk in the sanatorium.

Sisyrinchium, an actress knowing galactic fame yet prone to sinking to the depths of despair after the red carpet ceremonies are over. Her ephemeral career annually resurrects around the vernal equinox and some film festival circuits.

This is an update on Ms. Pineapple donning an amethyst necklace.

The fey grace of Dorotheanthus bellidiformis.


Gladiolus dalenii, tall and tan and young and not from Ipanema.

The bulldog.


  1. Love the Dorotheanthus bellidiformis...nice! I am amazed by the blooms on the pineapple! I got married in Hawaii...and on the way to & from our hotel we would pass the pineapple fields, and it was amazing!

  2. Great photos!

  3. The Gladiolus dalenii looks amazing in front of the dusky pink background - it's an unusual colour combination and kind of glows.

  4. Lovely photo's, you have made each and every one look stunning.


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